Thursday 16 August 2012

'I was wondering..?'

Today I had a fabulous lunch with good friends while our kiddies slept in their portacots in the bedrooms. My friends were so excited to hear all about the opening week of Embrace and the highs and lows of all I'd encountered. It was so cathartic to talk about what has been one of the most interesting/crazy/emotional weeks of my life!

As the day was drawing to a close, my friend Natalie asked me, 'I was wondering though... Why is it specifically gay inclusion you care about most passionately?' I suppose as a straight person, some people probably wonder this issue has provoked such a big response in me as technically, it doesn't affect me personally. I thought I'd share my answer with you all.

I'm very aware that as fate (or biological determination) would have it - I am indeed a straight person. I'm also in a loving opposite-sex relationship that has seen an engagement, marriage, babies, travel and fun - spread over nearly eleven wonderful years.

I bet not once, in any of the happiness I've shared with Mark did anyone out there hold my choices up to any morality barometer and ask themselves, 'Um, do I approve of this?!' 

Every time Mark and I progressed in our journey, we were met with squeals of delight, hugs, kisses and high-fives. Knowing others aren't so lucky (and are even terrified of being honest with those they care about), I have never taken this support for granted.
I'm acutely aware that had the cards have fallen another way, and my sexuality been same-sex, I may not have been so lucky and this motivates me to make a constructive difference.

To me, striving to equalise people in our laws starts at a grassroots level. That is, perceiving the human experience as universally equal. That's where the mission of Embrace comes in and why I care so passionately about this organisation.

Also as a mother, I want a more compassionate and equal world for my children to grow up in - no matter who they reveal themselves to be in time.

Kate x

Thursday 9 August 2012

We have lift off!

Hi and welcome to the Embrace Cards blog!

My name's Kate and I'm the Founder and Director of Embrace Cards. We are a for-profit organisation with a big social mission: to advance acceptance of diversity and promote social inclusion through the sale of our heartfelt greeting cards.

As a big believer in fair and equal access to social equity, I was frustrated by the half-measures of 'equality' available to GLBTI people in my native Australia (and around the world). I, like many, found the whole gay marriage debate had turned into a political, exhausting circus. I went to rally after rally (often baby bump and husband in tow) and chanted until I was hoarse. The frustration at a lack of progress was making me angry and I thought, there had to be a better way to achieve change.

I then read a book by acclaimed philosopher, Professor Edward de Bono called Handbook for the Positive Revolution which literally changed the course of my life. He details a plan for action and change, for any worthy cause through positive and constructive action (as opposed to combative, argumentative action). This concept of creating change really affected me and I set about being a constructive change maker in the arena of social inclusion and diversity promotion.

I thought, why wait for the world to accept diversity as being normal? Why not create a world where it just IS!? And thus, Embrace Cards was born. At Embrace we're taking the political out of the personal and promoting diversity through celebration rather than argument. We're creating products that enhance social inclusion and with any luck, this organisation can help reduce the attempted suicide rate of gay youth and impact our laws in a big, inclusive way. 

We've collaborated with talented artists from around the world to bring you our maiden fleet of cards and couldn't be happier with the results! You won't see any sexualisation or politicisation of GLBTI people. We are all about depicting with grace (and wit) simple, loving and genuine moments of care. We'll be adding to our product range seasonally and even doing a same-sex marriage line so keep an eye out! 

As a postgraduate student of Social Impact at Melbourne Business School I'm looking forward to trying my hand at using strategic business practice to improve society. I look forward to updating this blog and I hope you enjoy the journey.

Love Kate x